Thursday 27 November 2014

A manifestation of belief.

When one says "everyone has belief" people immediately assume that you are talking about a spiritual belief such as that of a religion or god. However in this particular case that is not the context in which the word 'belief"is being specifically used for, because it is true that everyone has belief. For example one believes that the colour blue is infact the way he or she perceives it, we believe that eventually we will die, we believe that water is made up of  hydrogen and oxygen, we believe that the judge is in the right, and those who disagree are wrong. This ability that humanity possesses to unquestioningly believe and accept anything we chose lends great power to that which we put said belief into. So therefore if we totally acknowledge and accept that something is the truth, if we really believe in something, then for all intents and purposes to us that becomes a true reality. So if it is something that enough people believe in then the truth and therefore subject reality of that idea or notion grows and develops, becoming truth. We live in a world full of billions of people and each one with independent and unique sets of ideas and beliefs. Humanity is the fuel that allows everything to be limitless, to be infinite. With people constantly believing in parallel universes, far off planets, gods, or even magic,  their pure and unadulterated belief allow those things to manifest themselves into reality.

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